Please note some things are not links because Netscape's solution to JavaScript bugs is to deny links to go to "special" documents.
Debug JavaScript
Netscape 2.0
To get a JavaScript debugger with a entry field for entering data, point your netscape do mocha:, javascript: or livescript:.
Another thing you can do is mocha:<JavaScript code here>, for example mocha:window.alert('Hi!')
Super Reload Netscape 2.0
In case Netscape's plain reload button isn't enough to solve your reloading problems, try Super Reload. Hold the modifier key (Mac: Option, Win/X: Alt? or Shift?) and choose reload. On the Macintosh version the Reload option in the menu will change names.
Display all files in cache Netscape 2.0
Open up the url about:cache and be prepared to wait as it searches through your disk cache.
Display all files in memory Netscape 2.0
When you go to about:memory-cache it will display items currently loaded in memory.
Display all cached images Netscape 2.0
Going to about:image-cache will dispaly all imags currently stored in cache.
Check out the Global History file Netscape 2.0
about:global will show all the places you have visited and when.
I can't decide where to go... X Netscape 2.0
montulli: will send you off somewhere on the web, based on your Global History file.

Presentation Features

Original of this document is at Features dealing with how Netscape renders html pages
Full Screen Mac Netscape 3.0+
You can make the Netscape window go full screen (even hide the menu bar) by holding control + option then hitting the a key. Very usefull!
View Source
You can view the source of any url (even of gif images!) using the syntax view-source:>URL<. For example, try view-source: .
Hide and Show scroll bars Mac Netscape 2.0
Type Control-Option-h to hide scroll bar in current frame or window. Type Control-Option-j to show the scroll bar again.
Toggle Show URL Netscape 1.1
For Unix or Windows type Control-Alt-l and on Mac Control-Option-l.
Hide the Status Bar Netscape 1.1
Type Control-Alt-s (Control-Option-s on Mac) to toggle whether or not the bottom status bar is shown.
Refresh Mac? Netscape 3.0+
Type control-option-s. Refreshes all open Netscape windows.
Hide the Status Bar Max Netscape 2.0
Yupe Control-Option-s. Close the window. Open a new window. The status bar will be hidden. Repeat to show it again.
Show Transfer Status X/Windows Netscape
Typing Control-Alt-t will pop up a new window with some information.
Super-Short URLs Netscape 2.0
Tired of typing ""? Well all you have to do is type "yikes" and hit return. It will automaticly turn it into it's full url! This only works for sites in the form Another neat feature is that you can add a path name to the end, thus you can get this page by trying yikes/fun/netscape/.

Original of this page is here

To  call  up the Fish Cam were CTRL+OPT+Return (CTRL+ALT+F on a
PC). After some experimenting I found that CTRL+OPT+F  has  the
same  result.   window to take over my entire monitor, not even
leaving the Finder menu bar or  Netscape's  title  bar  on  the
screen. This seemed like it could be useful, and I was obsessed
until I could duplicate his pounding, which in  this  case  was
hitting  CTRL+OPT+A.  Pressing  the same keys again reduced the
window back to normal. This was just the beginning.

 After  an extensive session of my own keyboard pounding I came
up with the following tricks. A few have  a  PC  equivalent  by
substituting the ALT key for the OPT key.

 CTRL+OPT+HOME  does  the  same  thing  with  the  screen  that
CTRL+OPT+A does.

 CTRL+OPT+M yet again takes you to the Netscape Fish Cam.

 If  you want to pay a quick visit to the White house site type
CTRL+OPT+W.  CTRL+OPT+L  hides  the  vertical  scroll  bar  and
CTRL+OPT+K  hides  the  horizontal  scroll bar (CTRL+ALT+S on a

 CTRL+OPT+H  or  CTRL+OPT+Delete  hides  both  scroll  bars and
CTRL+OPT+J returns any hidden  scroll  bars.  To  refresh  your
screen use CTRL+OPT+S.

      By using about: command in the "Open Location" dialog box
you can find out detailed information about  your  browser  and
about  Netscape.  But  be  prepared  for a long wait if you run
about:cache or about:global with large disk  caches  or  global
history files.

 about:cache returns information about your disk cache,

 about:memory-cache  delivers  information  about  your  memory

 about:plugins lists your installed plug-ins,

 about:image-cache lists your

      Typing about: in the URL space tells you what version you
have, and if you click on the Netscape logo there you can see a
little boasting by the folks in Mountain View.

       The  about:  command also supports HTML on the PC -- for
instance about:


-- and does something silly on the Mac if you type in an undefined command (try about:yomama). A few about: commands worked in previous versions of Netscape but seem to be phased out now. In particular, about:authors and about:photo used to bring up some goodies, but they're gone in 3.0. Finally, for a historical reference type about:mozilla. This is particularly impressive in the X version where you see an animated Mozilla breathing fire in place of the regular Netscape shooting star. In addition to the about: feature, you may also type "view-source:anyURL" in the location field to view the source of any HTML document.

Популярность: 112, Last-modified: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 06:54:10 GmT